Saturday, July 24, 2010

Cute Photo Ornaments!

Do you and your family send out a photo with your Christmas card each year? We do, and I've been wondering what to do with them as the years pass. I think I've found my answer! Go to Clover Lane to learn more about how these adorable ornaments were made.

Keyboard Christmas Ornaments

A Christmas ornament that speaks to the geek and "tree-hugger" in me all at once! Check out GEEKWARE for instructions.

Handprint Ornaments

Wholesome Womanhood explains how to use Crayola Model Magic to make these handprint ornaments. One of the comments suggests adding a photo of the child on the reverse side. Brilliant! I'll have to try this with Audrey and the new baby this winter. :)

Blueberry Breakfast Cake

Is it just me, or is your mouth watering just looking at this cake? Get the recipe from Amanda's Cookin'.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bleach-Pen for Decorating?!

Using a bleach pen to decorate a t-shirt... what a great idea! Check out the tutorial at I Am Momma to learn how to make the shirt pictured. This is a kids shirt, but you could make one for an adult too!

Re-Usable Swiffer Duster

I got a Swiffer and Swiffer Duster a few months ago and have felt guilty ever since! I don't like the idea of disposable cleaning products. It seems wasteful. Here is a tutorial I found at Sew Much Ado to make a a reusable Swiffer Duster.

Neat, huh? I'll have to give it a try!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Decorated Picture Frame

Check out the decorated picture frame I saw at Paper Playhouse. Cute, huh?

I think this is a great way to use those adorable stamp sets my friends have. It's just like scrapbooking, but on a frame you keep out in your house! Another craft to add to my "someday" list!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Button Shirt to Toddler Dress!

Have some men's button shirts that aren't being used anymore? Why not turn them in to a toddler dress!? hmm... time and skill could have something to do with it!

If you are up for the challenge, check out the tutorial at